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Location: Norway

Tuesday, February 22, 2005


I am no fan of shopping. On my way home from work today I had to stop at the grocery store to do grocery shopping, my least shopping favorite! There were nothing for dinner at home, at least nothing for our vegetarian daughter, and tomorrow morning we are going to our cabin for three days, so there were alot I needed. I try to tell myself that shopping is fun, I try to think of all the nice meals I can make out of what I buy, and today I even though of the nice cross country skiing we will do in the mountains tomorrow with roasting sausages over a fire, hot chocolate, organges yellow and sweet like the winter sun.....well, it helped a little, but not much. And finally having found all the items I MUST have, and all the other items that somehow found their way to my shopping basket by themselves, the next "I hate step" came - trying to find room for it all in plastic bags. Well, I made it, with good help from Marta, we carried all the bags out into the car, it felt like ice skating, and we made it home. Then the next step came, carrying all the bags inside and find room for all the food in the cupboards and the refrigerator. Yes, I made it all today again as I have all the other thousands of shopping days. And after dinner and washing up my kitchen is it's old self again.

Well, there really is one kind of shopping I do love. BOOK SHOPPING. I can never walk past a book store, my feet always find their way inside, and I always find at least one book I MUST have. Books have always meant alot to me, since I learned to read at the age of four or five, and almost since then I cave collected books, and read books. Last night my two best reading friends came over for our monthly reading night. We have met for many years and these nights have become more and more important for us. Last night I felt so tired before my reading mates came, and so refreshed when they left. We never have any theme when we meet, though we talk about it from time to time that we should. We just brings, discuss and shares tons of books. And here again I have a small problem. I can't resist any of the books the two other brings with them. So when they left last night there were a huge pile of books on the floor near the heath waiting to be read. How perfect that we are heading for the cabin tomorrow. Our cabin, my favorite reading place.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

All that "stuff" in preparation for your visit to the cabin looks so enticing - so "ready to go"!

Lots of pictures when you return, please!

9:52 AM  

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